How to add another Roblox account in same phone

Written: Matrix Clone
Browse: 313

Roblox is a popular online game that allows players to create their own virtual worlds and interact with other players in a shared virtual environment. Sometimes, you might want to add another Roblox account on your phone. You can use the Matrix Clone app to run multiple instances of your game simultaneously on the same device. In this article, we will guide you through the process of adding another Roblox account on the same phone using Matrix Clone.

To create a second account, you'll be using Matrix Clone to clone that app. Once it's cloned, you can enter the app and create a whole new account for yourself! Just follow these steps:

1、Install Matrix Clone

2、Tap the '+' button inside the Matrix Clone app, in the top-right corner

3、Select any app in which you'd like to create a second account

4、The icon for this app will now appear on the main page of Matrix Clone

5、Tap the new app icon in Matrix Clone; this will launch a new instance of the app and allow you to create a second account!