Why does the clone fail when I create a second Gmail on the same phone?

Written: Matrix Clone
Browse: 651

Due to policy reasons, you cannot open additional Gmail accounts with Dual Assistant or Parallel Space you downloaded from the Google Play Store, but don’t worry! You can download it from the Matrix Clone official website. The Matrix Clone official website package supports opening multiple Gmail accounts!

Step 1: Download and install Matrix Clon. First visit the Matrix Clone official website to download and install the application. Make sure to grant the necessary permissions during the installation process. The official website link is as follows: https://www.matrixclone.mobi/

Step 2: Clone Google Play Store

Once the virtual environment is ready, clone the Google Play Store in Matrix Clone.

Step 3: Click on the new app icon in Matrix Clone

A new instance of the application will be launched and allow you to create a second account.